Monica Burrow
Original Art from BC and Beyond

South West Turquoise

Inspired by a river trip in Glen Canyon, I was awed by the scale of the canyon and the beauty of the warm colours in the mostly sheer walls. Set against the blue of the water, the rock colours created a harmony and a drama that compelled my attention as each bend opened up in the river to reveal the next scene. It was like being a small speck on the floor of a great theatre where the sets changed continually and infinitely within a common theme. I chose to paint the sky and water to look like the turquoise stones so prized by the first inhabitants who first called the area home. Against the backdrop of an infinite number of orange, rust and gold tones, one can see why the stones would have amazed the people who first discovered them and the magical value created by the way they contrasted with the landscape.

South West Turquoise
Canadian Dollars

30" x 24" Acrylic on Slim Canvas Unframed 2017 $1100.00 CAD