Monica Burrow
Original Art from BC and Beyond
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Lost and Found

This image of Capilano Canyon near the salmon hatchery evokes the misty humid air of the canyon in the coastal rain forest as the river below the Capilano Reservoir in North Vancouver makes it's way to the ocean. The title refers to the lost and found edges in the piece as some are soft and blurred and some are harder edged. As I type, I am realizing it could also refer to the plight of the salmon, who now have to make their way upstream via fish ladders as the original workings of the river have been forever changed by Vancouver's need for drinking water. The word 'found' would then refer to the salmon who continue to return from their uncertain existence in the ocean.

Lost and Found

This image of Capilano Canyon near the salmon hatchery evokes the misty humid air of the canyon in the coastal rain forest as the river below the Capilano Reservoir in North Vancouver makes it's way to the ocean. The title refers to the lost and found edges in the piece as some are soft and blurred and some are harder edged. As I type, I am realizing it could also refer to the plight of the salmon, who now have to make their way upstream via fish ladders as the original workings of the river have been forever changed by Vancouver's need for drinking water. The word 'found' would then refer to the salmon who continue to return from their uncertain existence in the ocean.

Canadian Dollars

12" x 12" Acrylic on Deep Canvas $250.00 CAD

Reference Photo used with permission of Claudia Frazer